Perfect Picture Book Friday Looks at Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping

The mere mention of camping and my skin crawls with the invisible legs of a million non-existent insects. I cringe at the thought of sleeping in a tent or any structure with walls that aren’t a few inches thick and that doesn’t have a door with a lock. And sleeping in a zippered bag on the ground…sorry, not happening.

Yes. I have experienced camping. The first time was back in Jr. high during a freak thunderstorm. Strangely, only my side of the tent lacked waterproofing. So, while my tent mates lay snoozing, I sat up all night, hovering my jacket over my head like a useless umbrella. A few years later, another camping trip came up at school. This time, parents were invited, and everyone was expected to bring a tent or a camper (if they had one). My family had neither, so we broke camp in our jeep. At bedtime, my sister claimed the front seat, and I slept in the back with my dad with the hatch open to accommodate his long legs. The next morning, I counted over 60 mosquito bites. No, not on all three of us. Just scattered over me like a blast of confetti on New Year’s Eve. Then, years and years later, my husband found a place to camp where we could stay in a rustic cabin. Hmmm. A real bed, sturdy walls, and a door that locks, you say? Yes! I can do this.

“Wait. You’re saying rustic means no place to plug in my hairdryer???”

Honestly, I’ve tried to love camping, and I understand the lure of sleeping in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature, but after several tries, I’ve concluded that the most ideal way for me to camp is in a hotel (in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nature).

“Room service? Could you please send a bowl of strawberries and cream up to room #349? Thank you.”

Now that I’ve aired my feelings about camping with you, I am thrilled to share a picture book that stars a squirrel who feels very much as I do about this well-loved, outdoor activity.  Please welcome, Scaredy Squirrel!

Title – Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping

Written and illustrated by  – Melanie Watts

Published by – Kids Can Press – 2013

Suitable for ages – 3-7

Topics – Camping, expectations, fears, conquering fears.

Opening – Scaredy Squirrel never goes camping. He’d rather be comfortable inside than risk going out in the rugged wilderness. Besides, setting up camp seems like a lot of trouble.

Amazon Review –  View it HERE. Scaredy Squirrel is not too comfortable with the idea of camping … unless it’s on his couch! There will be no mosquitoes, skunks or zippers to worry about when he watches a show about the joys of camping on his brand-new TV. But first Scaredy must find an electrical outlet, and that means going into the woods! Will the nutty worrywart’s plans prepare him for the great outdoors, or will his adventure end up as a scary story told around the campfire?

Why do I like this book? Scaredy Squirrel is nervous about this new experience of camping. In fact, he’s so afraid, he brings along a television with plans of watching nature from the safety of his tree. But, one small problem surfaces… In nature, there aren’t any outlets. (Sound like someone you know?) After packing his survival supplies and getting into his protective, wilderness outfit, he treks out to the camping grounds in search of an outlet. armed with all his protective gear, supplies, plans, and maps – he goes on a trek to the nearby camping ground to find electrical outlets. As luck would have it, something unexpected happens. You’ll have to check out this book to find out what. With simple, adorable, and humorous illustrations, this Scaredy Squirrel book is a cover to cover winner! 

Want to learn a little more about Melanie Watt? Click HERE.

23 thoughts on “Perfect Picture Book Friday Looks at Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping

  1. I was psyched about camping as a Girl Scout until I encountered a stomach-churning latrine…

    Now I’d much rather read books about camping!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, this is hilarious! I love certain aspects of camping, but others I can do without. But we go and always have a good time. I just have to get over the prep and cleanup. Oh, and the mosquitoes. We camped through Southern Africa and had to take anti-malarial medication that gives you crazy dreams and a bit of GI distress. Not great when you’re in the bush. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I heard about the anti-malaria medicine for African vacations, but I didn’t know about the crazy dreams that come with it or the GI distress. Maybe, I should consider watching a DVD about Africa instead of visiting. Although, I’m sure seeing that amazing country outweighed all else. (?)

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      • Although I love watching documentaries about various countries in Africa, I’ve got to say that there’s nothing like being there. And depending on where you go, you often don’t need to take anti-malarials. But we were heading into the bush, and in many cases into areas where malaria was endemic. The side effects of the anti-malarials lasted only a day or two after taking them. We were there for a little over two months, so we really needed them.

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  3. I am a Sacredy Squirrel fan and LOVE camping unless the weather is very inclement. I love his outfit as I started my camping when I was a venture scout.

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  4. I’ll have to reread the Scaredy Squirrel books. This one sounds like fun. I LOVE camping! Done it all my life and still doing it. My first adventure was when my mother was pregnant with me and she climbed Half Dome in Yosemite. Spent many, many years camping from Southern CA all the way to Canada. My folks founded and owned a summer day camp, so I grew up in the great outdoors – latrines and all! Last year it was the Oregon Country Faire – good times. But I can’t wait to read your camping novel! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jill, I sooooo wish I had ONE good camping memory, but when all three went sour, I couldn’t bring myself to try again. I do love hiking and photographing out in nature, and I’m impressed with your mom climbing Half Dome when she was pregnant with you. She sounds like a remarkable woman (just like her daughter).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi, Pamela, I just popped over to your blog, loved it, and signed up to follow your posts. I’m glad you have good camping memories. I’m often tempted to try camping one more time with the hope that the fourth attempt brings luck, less rain, and a dry sleeping bag.


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